Wholly Owned by Koperasi Polis Diraja Malaysia Berhad
© 2021 Kop Construction Services (M) Sdn Bhd (212565-K). All rights reserved.
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KOPCS introduces as Construction Services Company and offers to client as a full range of high-value, which is a “start-to-finish” pre- construction, construction and construction management service. KOPCS confident to delivery services in term cost efficiency, quality, value and timeliness based on capability and professional asset.
We provide general services in civil and structure which include the design and build construction, maintenance, project and construction, supervision and operation:
The construction of industrial structures, commercial and residential building on various type of ground needs geotechnical study. KOPCS support client in awareness on the importance of geotechnical engineering in development and the role of geotechnical in ensure design are safe, economical and construction friendly. KOPCS expertise and experience in analysis, and supervision of construction of the slopes, retaining structures and foundation on hill-sites:
Based on the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the world’s fifth best connected country in terms of shipping line connectivity is Malaysia. With excellent service and state of the art equipment together with multi-skilled manpower, KOPCS has notched up record in marine and port infrastructure:
In support Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementing in Malaysia, KOPCS agree with development and management of “water as a resource” and “water for livelihood”. KOPS highly skilled and experienced carry out build of waste water treatment
Offshore developments have been structured around large gas and oil fields, which were produced through manned facilities. KOPCS spawn assets in oil and gas infrastructure since there have large and numerous facilities and its includes:
KOPCS moving forward maximize professional talent with seeking venture in power plant energy. KOPCS offering a well-packaged engineering and construction for power plant:
KOPCS specialized and committed to offering the most innovative, cost effective solutions and high quality in all aspects of mechanical & electrical services:
KOPCS provides a full suite of end-to-end facilities management services in order to help clients manage their own building or services. Value added services all combined gives KOPCS a competitive and leading edge:
Wholly Owned by Koperasi Polis Diraja Malaysia Berhad
© 2021 Kop Construction Services (M) Sdn Bhd (212565-K). All rights reserved.
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